consulting services

Specialist Coaching for new Managers
Consulting, Coaching and Mentoring services. Promoting the wellbeing and mental health of your people.
Helping build or fine-tune software engineering teams, processes, cultures and management.

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Coaching for new managers

So that very experienced developer is going to lead the team? Great! Let us help them discover the best way to manage for satisfaction and success.

All situations are unique, and a boilerplate management philosophy (or coaching programme) won’t cut it. We’ll tailor an approach specific to the person, team and circumstances.

Spin up a new team

Creating a whole new team from scratch is a really exciting exercise. It can also be an incredibly frustrating one if you’re not prepared.

We can help ensure you’ve got what you need in place before your first hire, and help you select the right roles and people for the team. We have relationships with a select few high performing recruitment agencies with access to more candidates than you’ll ever need.


Optimise team performance

Do you have a development team that’s not working as well as you think it could?

Let us have a look at it with you. We’ll work to understand what it is you expect from your team and (most importantly) vice versa. Our deep and wide experience with the care and feeding of developers might help uncover some strategies to make everyone happier and more productive.


Process Creation / Rationalisation

“What got you here won’t get you there.”

As you grow, you’ll come across the need for a robust set of processes to keep things running smoothly.

We can help you find the best ways of doing things within the weird world of software engineering.